• Agnes,  Research

    Cigar Galaxy

    This is a picture from my astronomy research class for intermediate observation techniques. I am so thrilled and happy with the pictures I took in this class, because I made them. I took every photo, and all the other technical aspects were done by me. It was something that I created entirely by myself and it makes me incredibly proud.

  • Agnes,  Research

    Horsehead Nebula

    During a project in my astronomy research class for intermediate observation techniques, we got to use actual telescopes to take images of deep space objects, and I chose to look for the Horse Head Nebula. It was one of my favorite classes and best projects.

  • Agnes,  Outreach

    Bradley Observatory Plaza

    Picture of the Bradley Observatory Plaza, taken by me. This is a picture of the Bradley Observatory Plaza, a place I’ve spent many hours teaching dozens of kids. It was my first introduction to astronomy at Agnes, and now I get to introduce kids of all ages to it. 

  • Agnes

    Thermal Physics

    Problem 2.9 For this problem, we were given a table and graph which contained data for two Einstein solids, each containing three harmonic oscillators, with a total of six units of energy, that we needed to reproduce. I used Google Sheets, and recreated the table and graph for the original data. The assignment was to then modify the table and graph to show the case where one Einstein solid contains six harmonic oscillators and the other contains four harmonic oscillators. With these changes I had to calculate the new multiplicity for each Einstein solid, and then the new total multiplicity, with this formula. Ω(N, q) = q + N −…

  • teamwork

    Teamwork Reflection

    This semester in physics has been perhaps one of the most difficult yet. Not only has the course work increased in difficulty, but the state of the world itself has provided immense stress. In response to all of this, I feel that the most important things I have brought to my team this semester were a positive attitude, energy, and lots of encouragement. I’m not always the best team player, but this semester I really made it my focus to be engaged and help my team members stay involved and feel supported. The first feedback I received from my teammates was how much they appreciated the energy and enthusiasm I…
