• Agnes,  LDR 102,  Leadership

    A Beautiful Question

    In “A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas,” by Warren Berger, the concept of a “beautiful question” is introduced. According to Berger, “A beautiful question is an ambitious yet actionable question that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about something, and that might serve as a catalyst to bring about change” (8). Following this mandate, I have formulated my own question: Why or how is the inequality and discriminations of women’s reproductive rights (or access to and education of information and services about their reproductive health and rights) shown in the differences between sex education programs, funding towards providing these resources,…

  • Agnes,  LDR 101,  Leadership

    Save Lives, Sue the Gun Industry

    When used as intended, firearms result in 96 deaths everyday and are the second leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States. Unlike other products that are held in check by the consumer via the court system, firearm manufacturers and dealers are immune from the only recourse consumers have when they suffer damage or loss due to a product. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), is a federal law enacted in 2005 that grants broad immunity from liability to gun manufacturers and dealers in Federal and State Courts. The PLCAA prevents plaintiffs from filing lawsuits against gun manufacturers or dealers in cases where…

  • LDR 101

    My Leadership

    When I hear the word leader, my mind automatically conjures up the image of a tall white man in a suit. Whether that is from the influence of social media or advertising, it is what I have instinctively come to associate with the word “leader.” However, that image has slowly begun to change in my mind as I experience leadership in different ways in my life. I have excelled under leaders that strove to actively support me. I have also struggled under poor leaders and took away important lessons as to how I could be a better leader and about the value of teamwork. There are some subtler leadership qualities…

  • LDR 101

    Five Strengths

    I am a futuristic person who is always looking to what could be, frequently caught up in new and exciting ideas with a craving to know more, and constantly thinking and talking about new ways to get to that future. Because I have so many ideas and aspirations I’ve had to come up with as many plans and methods for dealing with hurdles. Strategy has played a big part in my life, whether it’s writing detailed planners to bring organization and order to the sometimes overwhelming nature of my life, or even taking a very unique road through high school. At the end of my freshman year of high school…
