• Agnes,  Research

    Cigar Galaxy

    This is a picture from my astronomy research class for intermediate observation techniques. I am so thrilled and happy with the pictures I took in this class, because I made them. I took every photo, and all the other technical aspects were done by me. It was something that I created entirely by myself and it makes me incredibly proud.

  • Agnes,  Research

    Horsehead Nebula

    During a project in my astronomy research class for intermediate observation techniques, we got to use actual telescopes to take images of deep space objects, and I chose to look for the Horse Head Nebula. It was one of my favorite classes and best projects.

  • Agnes,  Outreach

    Bradley Observatory Plaza

    Picture of the Bradley Observatory Plaza, taken by me. This is a picture of the Bradley Observatory Plaza, a place I’ve spent many hours teaching dozens of kids. It was my first introduction to astronomy at Agnes, and now I get to introduce kids of all ages to it. 

  • Agnes,  Outreach

    Georgia Space Grant Consortium

    https://gasgc.org/wp/ My junior year I started work as the outreach fellow for the Observatory, which is a role supported by the Georgia Space Grant Consortium. I got to work with them on projects for K-12 space education, and other projects that even included talking to congressmen about our work.

  • Agnes,  GBL 102,  GBL 102: Chile

    Chile’s National Fine Art’s Museum

    Photo of my friends and I at the National Fine Art’s Museum in Santiago, Chile. My freshman year my global class went on a trip to Chile, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I loved all of the art and museums and my classmates and I had even more fun imitating all of the art we liked. This group photo was a treasure for all of us.

  • About,  Agnes

    This Portfolio

    The purpose of this portfolio is to concisely demonstrate my work and experiences at Agnes Scott College. I want to display both my academic accomplishments, and the personal moments that helped me grow as a person and prepared me for the future.

  • Agnes

    Thermal Physics

    Problem 2.9 For this problem, we were given a table and graph which contained data for two Einstein solids, each containing three harmonic oscillators, with a total of six units of energy, that we needed to reproduce. I used Google Sheets, and recreated the table and graph for the original data. The assignment was to then modify the table and graph to show the case where one Einstein solid contains six harmonic oscillators and the other contains four harmonic oscillators. With these changes I had to calculate the new multiplicity for each Einstein solid, and then the new total multiplicity, with this formula. Ω(N, q) = q + N −…

  • Agnes,  GBL 102,  GBL 102: Chile,  Global

    Global 102 Final Post

    “The queasiness in my stomach, the numbness in my toes, it barely registers in my awe-addled mind. I’ve been in high places before, felt the blood pool and pulse in my face, while the tiny movie screen in my head played a slow-mo clip of the ground crumbling under my feet and my body following after, but for once the screen is black, and I lean so far over the edge my toes hang off of the cliff, as I try and peel the delicate skin around my eyes further back, so that I can see every building, every wave, every mural, every dog, every mountain, every color. I could…

  • Agnes,  LDR 102,  Leadership

    A Beautiful Question

    In “A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas,” by Warren Berger, the concept of a “beautiful question” is introduced. According to Berger, “A beautiful question is an ambitious yet actionable question that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about something, and that might serve as a catalyst to bring about change” (8). Following this mandate, I have formulated my own question: Why or how is the inequality and discriminations of women’s reproductive rights (or access to and education of information and services about their reproductive health and rights) shown in the differences between sex education programs, funding towards providing these resources,…

  • Agnes,  LDR 101,  Leadership

    Save Lives, Sue the Gun Industry

    When used as intended, firearms result in 96 deaths everyday and are the second leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States. Unlike other products that are held in check by the consumer via the court system, firearm manufacturers and dealers are immune from the only recourse consumers have when they suffer damage or loss due to a product. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), is a federal law enacted in 2005 that grants broad immunity from liability to gun manufacturers and dealers in Federal and State Courts. The PLCAA prevents plaintiffs from filing lawsuits against gun manufacturers or dealers in cases where…
